The Industrial Athlete, Inc.
Phone 877-SMART-11 • Fax 248.375.8973


The Industrial Athlete provides ergonomic consulting services throughout the U.S. Ergonomics services are provided for both office and manufacturing environments, and includes the use of analysis tools used by ergonomic experts such as:


The comprehensive ergonomics program through The Industrial Athlete includes analysis and recommendations (administrative and engineering controls). While identifying ergonomic concerns is vital, the improvements and changes in the workplace make the true, long-lasting impact on workplace safety.

Along with expert analysis and recommendations, we can provide training to your Safety Team (or to your Wellness Committee or other designated employees) on ergonomics. We can also provide an “ergonomics plan” for your company, such as a three-year Industrial Ergonomics Plan. 

The ergonomic work The Industrial Athlete is doing has increased awareness for all of us regarding working in the strike zone, proper lifting, and other ergonomics that can help our bodies over the long term."

- Human Resources Manager, Food Store Chain, New England States

For more information on ergonomics programs and services provided by The Industrial Athlete, contact us online or phone 877-SMART11, extension 4. Or, view our helpful information sheets:

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