The Industrial Athlete, Inc.
Phone 877-SMART-11 • Fax 248.375.8973

Workplace First Aid Program

Research performed by the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality/Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that out of the 119 million emergency room visits in 2008, 55% of the were unnecessary. At a cost of almost $800 per ER visit, these unnecessary ER costs negatively impact your company!

The Industrial Athlete follows OSHA Best Practices for workplace first aid. We provide companies a healthcare provider certified in First Aid, CPR, AED and Blood Borne Pathogens to care for any injury or sudden illness occurring in the workplace. Our onsite program is designed to reduce unnecessary ER visits through the management and triage of minor injuries.

Workplace First Aid Program

The Industrial Athlete onsite first-aid program includes:

Common work-related injuries sent to the emergency room or urgent care facility includes:

Many of these ailments are easily treated and do not require “emergency” care. Our Workplace First-Aid Program provides the alternative to the high cost of traditional healthcare provided by emergency or urgent care centers.

Can the Workplace First Aid Program by The Industrial Athlete benefit your company? Contact us to learn more today.

SMART System/Injury Triage

Our qualified healthcare provider’s scope of practice involves assessing and management of MSD’s. The majority of workplace aliments can be treated through OSHA’s allowable first-aid standards of care avoiding recordable status. Our sports medicine approach is to return the Industrial Athlete back to work as efficiently and safely as possible, utilizing a systematic approach. We work to alleviate both work and non-work related discomforts. For work related ailments, first-aid care is provided until symptoms subside. When the Industrial Athlete is asymptomatic, the Injury Prevention System (TIPS) is utilized with therapeutic exercise intervention to help avoid re-occurrence. The importance of caring for non-work related injuries is to reduce presenteeism and the associated cost, along with having a non-work related injury being aggravated by work activity.

Physical Therapy is not our goal; preventing the need is.

Although we try to keep as much treatment as possible onsite, there are times when off-site care is needed. Unfortunately, the healthcare system tends to work with a predetermined solution that simply gives workers time off or limited work duties, often without any real justification. That, coupled with extended treatment plans, unnecessarily costs your company money. We’ll be your company’s advocate to bring the therapy back in-house when appropriate and return your worker to the job safely and quickly.

Contact The Industrial Athlete to learn about how we can help your employees, and your bottom line!

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